Monday, January 19, 2009

Day 1

Just finished my first day of classes after about a month and a half long break. I kinda look at this semester as a vacation because of how relaxed I made my schedule. I only have classes on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday mostly in the morning...... So what am I gonna do with all that free time?......Mack and hang of course.......But just sitting in class today was kinda of amazing and a real break from the norm. For the most part I have been surrounded by BLACK people my entire life; I can pretty much count on my fingers the number of non-BLACKs that I've ever shared a classroom with. Now I love my people but we can be a handful at times so the break is kinda nice...well at least for the moment. As I listened to everyone introduce themselves in class I today, I was taken back by the large number of nationalities represented. I mean students from all over, Poland, The Congo, Zimbabwe, China, and The Middle East just to name a few. As far as class went, it was really typical, PowerPoint, lectures, and me fighting to stay awake......looks to be a very interesting semester to say the least.

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