Wednesday, January 21, 2009


So our president is BLACK and I couldn't be more proud. Thank you to all the Obama supporters who believe and realized that change was necessary. All I ask is that we give this man a chance. Everything isn't going to change over night and maybe not even in one term. Also, STAY informed. Now that Mr. Obama is officially president, don't lose touch with what's happening. I for one never been more in-tune with the politics until now and I intend on staying that way. To you Mr. Obama CONGRATULATIONS and I KNOW you will do well. " YES WE CAN" soon to be " YES WE DID"

1 comment:

Breakfast at Hillary's.. Lacroix that is said...

awesome post because most people have this idealistic view that the hard part is over when in fact it just started... everyone should do their part so that when change comes they will be shouting because they were apart of the equation that equaled the change and not the other way around.
