Monday, February 9, 2009


Just got back from Paris........I kinda got mixed feelings about my trip there.

The Positives:

-Paris is an absolutely beautiful city. The Eiffel Tower, The Arc de Triomphe, and The Notre Dame Cathedral are all some of the most amazing structures I've ever seen in my life. (Quick FYI, I've always thought the Eiffel Tower was black....Nope, wrong, it's brown). I thought the entire design of the city was pretty cool. You probably won't be able to tell from the pictures, but I thought it was crazy how one round-about would have like 10 different streets you could turn off on.

-Getting around in Paris wasn't that hard. They have a really good train system, and it's real easy to understand (as long as you know the stop you wanna get off at). I was worried about getting lost in Paris at first, but I never did because it was so easy to get around.

-French women are GORGEOUS..wait gorgeous maybe a bit about very pretty. I saw women working in restaurants, working at the museum, and cleaning restrooms who I thought could all be on model status.

-(Disclaimer: This one is not really a positive or negative, it all depends on the person) Paris is for LOVERS. PDA is everywhere. Restaurants, museums, bars, the streets, the stores, EVERYWHERE. Not just holding hands either; I'm talking, kissing (the french kind of course), feeling on each other, I mean stuff I don't see in the streets of Greensboro or the DMV.

The Negatives

-The first day I was there it snowed. This also happened to be the same day I went to the top of the Eiffel Tower. I was cool to be at the top, but it was cold as fcuk(cool people get it) at the top. Plus I really could see anything off in the distance.

-French people's personalities SUCK. Not all, but a lot of them. For some reason I can't understand they don't like Americans that much and they don't like speaking English. They are more willing to work with you if you attempt to speak french though. I guess that one year of french I took in high school did pay off.

-For the first time ever in my life I was denied entry to a club. After looking stuck for like 10 seconds I was like.. WTF, these mutha_____racist as______ , and I was ready to let them know how I felt whether they understood what I was gonna say/gesture or not. Then I was like wait, I'm not tryna to 1. Catch a mean a$$ whoopin by security with no one to back me up and 2. get locked up abroad. Then I saw more people that I was with (people of European decent aka not black people) turned away too. The reason we didn't get in turned out to be because we where American guys, speaking English. I'm still pretty mad about that.
All and all the trip was OK, and I wouldn't mind going back.


Dre' Leon said...

its funny i had an incident similar to this in Japan...

I was chilling w/ my host parents late one night at a karaoke joint and one of their friends was extremely make a long story short, the drunk guy started to talk sh!t to me (in japanese) and although i couldn't understand (everything)he said, i knew what he was saying was not flattering.

It bother me the whole night...i was upset going to sleep and i thought i would be fine in the morning but I was still mad as hell...

Its funny b/c in America if a person is talking sh!t to you and trying to degrade you, it always comes down to you kinda of know how to respond and react to these types of run ins...

but the incident that happened to me in Japan was on some other stuff...the guy didn't have a problem w/ b/c of my race but it was b/c I was American. It was the first time that every happened to me and i didn't know how to react...

I had mixed emotions about that incident...i thought it was uneccessary, could've been avoided, confused, vulnerable, mad, etc and when you put all of these feelings together the world starts spinning...

this was one of the very very few shitty moments that i had in japan...

Tay B said...

Yea man, I felt the exact same way...I had so much going thru my head at the same time, still makes me a lil mad thinking bout it...